Today at 2pm EST – How to Own Part of a Warhol, Basquiat or Monet: Masterworks CEO in Live Forum – IPO Edge
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Today at 2pm EST – How to Own Part of a Warhol, Basquiat or Monet: Masterworks CEO in Live Forum
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Today at 2pm EST – How to Own Part of a Warhol, Basquiat or Monet: Masterworks CEO in Live Forum

IPO Edge
, in partnership with The Palm Beach Hedge Fund Association, a Florida trade association for investors and financial professionals, will host a Webinar on Tuesday, September 29 at 2pm EST with Masterworks Blue-Chip Art: A New Asset Class to Explore.

The Webinar will feature Masterworks Founder and CEO Scott Lynn for an approximately one-hour session, including a live Q&A with the audience.

Mr. Lynn will explain the many benefits of art investing, which include:

● Opportunity: Art is one of the oldest (Sotheby’s was the oldest company on the NYSE until recently) and largest asset classes in the world. Deloitte estimates that there is $1.7T in total wealth held in art, growing to $2.6T by 2026.

● Diversification: Investing in art provides diversification into an uncorrelated asset. Citibank published a major study in December 2019 and concluded that art has the lowest correlation to public equities (a correlation factor of just 0.13) of any of the ten major asset classes.

● Performance: Blue-chip art has outperformed the S&P by 180{efe5d79870c08482e17ab0c97855f89429dac5f22c46026d3ca83573faec2208} between 2000 and 2019 according to industry benchmark Artprice.


How It Works:

● Masterworks has a database of auction sales prices dating back 50 years that its research team and acquisitions team use to identify top 100 artists who have accelerating market returns.

● Once Masterworks has identified an artist and artwork, it aims to purchase that piece at auction or through a private sale.

● The artwork is registered with the SEC through a Regulation A offering. The offering is then opened to investors on its platform, regardless of accreditation status.

● Masterworks can then sell the painting and each investor shares in their proportionate share of any profit or loss.

● Masterworks also developed a Secondary platform so investors can get liquidity for their investment before the painting is sold.

Please review deal sheets with two Masterworks live offerings: a $5M offering from Joan Mitchell and a $3.85M work from Andy Warhol. You can also review the full offering circular for the Mitchell offering here and the Warhol offering here.

Masterworks makes investing in art easy. From start to finish, the Masterworks website and user experience are intuitive and simple. The company has taken an illiquid and antiquated asset class and given it a much-needed 21st century facelift.

To learn more about investing with Masterworks, use this link to bypass the waitlist of 20,000 people today.


John Jannarone, Editor-in-Chief

Twitter: @IPOEdge

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